​Welcome to our list of philosophy-related passion projects! Whether you're interested in writing philosophical essays, starting a discussion group, or engaging in community ethics initiatives, there's a passion project out there for you. We hope this list inspires you to explore your interests and find new ways to contribute to the field of philosophy.
Write a Philosophical Essay
Explore a specific philosophical question or theory
Develop a Philosophy Club
Lead discussions and activities on philosophical topics
Participate in a Philosophy Competition
Test your skills in a philosophy contest
​Create a Philosophy Blog
Share insights and analyses on philosophical topics
Write a Research Paper
Explore a specific philosophical theory or issue
Study Ethical Dilemmas
Research and analyze various ethical issues
Volunteer for a Philosophy Organization
Support efforts to promote philosophical education
Create Educational Videos
Explain philosophical concepts through video
Create a Philosophy Podcast
​Discuss philosophical topics and interview experts
Research Famous Philosophers
Study the works and impact of renowned philosophers